Evette Caplan
- Acupuncture
- Mental Health
- Acupuncture and CBT
- Acupuncture and Hypnosis
Areas of Experience
- Anxiety & Stress
- Insomnia
- trauma and PTSD
- Addictions
- Loss
- Fears and phobias
Evette has treated a wide variety of conditions in locations all over the world. She has offered multi-bed clinics, one-on-one sessions, and home visits all around Brighton and the South East coast and has been working at the Sussex MS centre since 2018. She has spent summers working in healing fields at festivals such as Noisily festival, Blue dot festival and Wild-heart festival. Evette also treated at the Vajra Varahi Clinic in Chapaguan, Nepal treating those suffering from physical and mental health issues following the devastating earthquake. She also helped support and treat people at refugee camps and centres in Calais and Athens.
Evette would like to offer acupuncture treatments either on their own or in conjunction with other mental health therapies, in hopes of helping people process and transform any pain they are in.
“While acupuncture can help with psychological and emotional health issues, the foundation of the treatment approach is holistic, and therefore will be beneficial to any presenting complaint. The notion that the body and mind are both interchangeable and are in constant interplay means that physical and psycho-emotional manifestations will simultaneously be treated during an acupuncture session.”
Evette is a fully licenced and insured acupuncturist and achieved a BSc in Oriental medicine and acupuncture at the international college of Oriental medicine. She is a member of the British Acupuncture Association.